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  CARAVAN Solutions

Wir stellen uns eine Welt vor, in der jeder Zugang zu den besten Gesundheits-, Wellness- und Fitnesspraktiken, -techniken und -ritualen hat, die wissenschaftlich untermauert sind - unabhängig von Alter, Einkommen oder Wohnort. Unsere wissenschaftlich erprobten Techniken wurden in Zusammenarbeit mit führenden Marken entwickelt, um echte Ergebnisse zu erzielen.

✓  100+ Transformational Programs
✓  2,000+ Expert-Led Video Classes
✓  Scientifically Backed Results
✓  1,000+ Inspiring Articles, Illustrations, and Resources
✓  100+ World-Class Health Experts
✓  Quick & Effective Practices (2 to 30 Minutes)
✓  Available in 15+ languages

Start watching here.

  CARAVAN For Your Business

We partner with many organizations, brands, and leaders, to curate bespoke wellness experiences for their clients, patients, employees and community. Elevate the health, motivation, and productivity of your organization today. Explore press releases and testimonials from our partners here.

  How To Partner With CARAVAN

  • For Health & Wellness Platforms: Supercharge your digital channels and elevate your content library with CARAVAN’s premium, white-label video content. Learn more.

  • For Fitness & Wellness Apps: Elevate user experiences with CARAVAN’s robust library of high-quality, science-backed wellness content. Learn more.

  • For Travel and Hospitality Brands: Deliver unmatched rest and rejuvenation to your guests — wherever their journey takes them. Learn more.

  • For Employers: Empower your team with the ultimate all-in-one wellness program, crafted for meaningful impact. Learn more.

  • For Corporate Wellness Programs: Boost employee engagement and productivity with tailored wellness programs designed to address diverse needs. Learn more.

  • For Healthcare Organizations, Providers and Health Plans: Offer science-backed wellness and Medical Education solutions to improve outcomes and deliver results. Learn more.

  • For Mental Health Organizations: Empower providers and care teams with CARAVAN’s trusted, science-backed mental health resources. Support resilience, stress management, and overall wellbeing. Learn more.

  • For Financial Services: Help your audience build confidence and reduce stress with CARAVAN’s Financial Education tools for budgeting, planning, and financial health. Learn more.

  • For Educational Institutions: Empower students and staff with innovative wellness solutions to enhance performance, focus, and overall health. Learn more.

  • For Nonprofit Organizations: Partner with CARAVAN to make wellness accessible to the communities you serve through impactful, customizable solutions. Learn more.

  • For Software Development Companies: Integrate CARAVAN’s premium wellness content seamlessly into your platforms to deliver added value to your users. Learn more.

  • Not sure where to start? Click here to contact us today!

  Wissenschaftlich belegte Ergebnisse

Our interdisciplinary, all-inclusive approach to health and wellness is rooted in education, psychology, and self-experience. CARAVAN incorporates the mental, emotional, physical, occupational, intellectual, and spiritual aspects of human behavior to create transformational and sustainable results.

We use an evidence-based analysis, results-driven approach, and proprietary data research across the behavioral sciences to deliver the best education and practices that you can trust.

We maintain strict quality standards through ongoing expert review, adherence to a proprietary style guide, and routine updates. Our process guarantees accuracy, consistency, and relevance across all content formats.

Learn more about our trusted & tested content here.

  Inhalte für Ihr Unternehmen anpassen

Absolutely. We love working with many organizations, leaders, and influencers, to design unique solutions for any need. You can create customized experiences as a benefit, engagement tool, campaign, gift, incentive or reward. We would love to bring our mission to your organization. Learn more here.

  Schnelle, wirksame Praktiken

CARAVAN offers the largest selection of over 2,000 high-quality wellness video classes, available in 15+ languages. Each science-backed practice ranges from 2 to 30 minutes, with an average duration of 10 minutes, ensuring they are quick, engaging, and effective. Explore our ever-expanding video library to explore our ever-expanding list of new content.

  Demo für Ihr Unternehmen

Yes. We can put together a short demo for you, as well as give you a free trial so that you can explore our content and learn more. Please email us at [email protected], we look forward to hearing from you.

Check our CARAVAN for business information here.


  All The Best In Health & Wellness For Everyone

CAR-A-VAN /karə, van/

Eine Gruppe von Reisenden, die, oft mit einem Zug von Kamelen, durch die Wüste reist, um zu erforschen, zu entdecken und gemeinsam sicher an ihrem Ziel anzukommen.


It’s more important than ever to prioritize your health. We invite you to join a global movement of wellness. This is a call to action to learn life-changing wellness practices, techniques and rituals. Join thousands of organizations. Have your community try CARAVAN and start experiencing the benefits of our science-backed video classes. Contact us here.

  Freunde einladen

Unterstützen Sie unsere Mission in den sozialen Medien, teilen Sie sie mit Freunden und verdienen Sie Prämien.

  • If you would like to gift CARAVAN to friends and family, click here.

  • If you would like to share CARAVAN with your followers and friends, check our referral program here.

  • If you are interested in discussing brand partnerships please email us at [email protected].

  Unsere Experten-Lehrer

Our Global Network of Experts
At CARAVAN, we pride ourselves on working with highly experienced and knowledgeable teachers from around the world, embracing cultural diversity and advanced expertise. Each teacher is deeply passionate about their practice and committed to delivering impactful, science-backed wellness solutions.

Connect With Our Experts
If you’d like to learn more about the talented individuals who bring CARAVAN’s mission to life, please include the teacher’s name, your purpose, and your contact information when inquiring.

Join Our Mission
We are always seeking talented, spirited, and uniquely qualified professionals to join our global network. If you’d like to recommend yourself or someone else, please provide:

•  Full name and location
•  Experience and training
•  Type of practice

  Markenkooperationen und Medienanfragen

Wenn Sie eine Partnerschaft oder die Nutzung unserer exklusiven Videoinhalte, die Zusammenarbeit bei Veranstaltungen, Community-Events, Social-Media-Kampagnen, maßgeschneiderte digitale Inhalte oder Medieninterviews wünschen, senden Sie uns bitte eine E-Mail (geben Sie den Namen Ihrer Organisation und/oder Publikation sowie die URL Ihrer Website an).

Check our media information here.

Check our partnership information here.

Content Discovery App Support

  Unser globales Support-Team

CARAVAN’s global wellness support team manages each client’s needs and is here to support you. If there are any questions, if you need more guidance, if you wish to learn more about our partnerships, or if you want to explore our content, please don’t hesitate to schedule a call with us.

If you are a user and would like to change your password, preferences or any of your account settings, click here.

  Von uns unterstützte Geräte

CARAVAN ist so konzipiert, dass es auf all Ihren Geräten zu Hause, im Büro oder auf Reisen funktioniert.

Available on:
Computers (laptops and desktops): Windows, Mac, Linux, Chromebook
Mobile devices (smartphones, apps and tablets): iOS, Android

Mobile and App Friendly
Download the CARAVAN app on Apple Store or Google Play.
To quickly access our platform through a browser, click here.

  • For easy access on your iPhone, go to Safari → Share → Add to Home Screen, and you can add a shortcut to your home screen, just like an app.

  • For easy access on your Android, go to Chrome → Menu (three dots) → Add to Home Screen, and the shortcut will be added to your home screen.

  Abonnement verwalten

If you are considering canceling due to certain content or feature that you would like to see, please email us and include your feedback, so we can improve the experience for you and for everyone else.

Bitte lassen Sie uns wissen, ob wir Ihnen irgendwie helfen können oder ob Sie mehr über spezielle Rabattmöglichkeiten erfahren möchten. Wir würden Sie gerne als Mitglied behalten und Ihnen dabei helfen, Ihre Selbstfürsorge weiter zu verbessern.

To cancel your subscription you must email us at least 48 hours prior to your charge date or renewal date, to successfully process in time. We do not issue refunds or credits for requests that are made after your account has already been charged. No refunds or credits are issued for partial subscription periods or for accidental purchases.

Please include in your email if there is anything that we can do to keep you with us.
Make sure to include your full name (person on the billing information if different from the user), account email address and billing address.

For more information visit terms of use. For any other questions, click here.

  Privacy Policy And Cookie Policy

This site uses cookies to provide you with great user experience. By using CARAVAN, you accept our use of cookies. To learn more, including how your data is protected, please review our privacy policy.

  Physical Activity And Medical Disclaimer

If you have any medical conditions or are thinking about starting an exercise program or engaging in strenuous or unusual physical or mental activity, you should consult your doctor first. WITHOUT LIMITATION OF ANY OTHER TERMS IN THIS TERMS OF SERVICE, CARAVAN WELLNESS DOES NOT MAKE ANY REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES THAT THE CONTENT IS INTENDED TO AND/OR DOES DIAGNOSE, TREAT, CURE, OR PREVENT MEDICAL DISORDERS, ALLERGIES OR OTHER CONDITIONS, AND YOU HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGE THIS DISCLAIMER AND THAT CARAVAN WELLNESS IS NOT ENGAGED IN PROVIDING YOU WITH A MEDICAL DEVICE, MEDICAL ADVICE AND/OR HEALTHCARE SERVICES, FINANCIAL ADVICE AND/OR LEGAL ADVICE BY PROVIDING YOU WITH ACCESS TO THE CONTENT. You should consult with a licensed medical or fitness professional if you have any questions regarding your physical fitness or mental health routine. Caravan Wellness is not responsible in any way for any liability for damage, loss, cost, or health problems or injuries, including, without limitation, incapacity or death, which may result from or be related to your use of or inability to use the Content. Caravan Wellness is not a health care or medical device provider, nor should Caravan’s Content be considered medical advice. Caravan Wellness makes no claims, representations or guarantees that the Content provides a therapeutic benefit. Any information, education and links related to the Content are provided simply for your convenience. Any advice or other materials in the Content are intended for general information purposes only. They are not intended to be relied upon and are not a substitute for professional medical, mental, financial, investment, tax, or legal advice based on your individual condition and circumstances. The advice and other materials Caravan makes available are intended to support the relationship between you and your healthcare, legal or financial providers and not replace it. Caravan is not liable or responsible for any consequences of your having read or been told about such advice or other materials as you assume full responsibility for your decisions and actions. In particular, to the fullest extent permitted by law, Caravan makes no representation or warranties about the accuracy, completeness, or suitability for any purpose of the information published as part of the Content.

Find more information here.


Kontaktieren Sie uns unter [email protected]

CARAVAN Global Support Team